Adtriba_byFunnel_57h (1)


For the SaaS Solution "Adtriba" (hereinafter also referred to as “Adtriba” or "Adtriba Software"), the contents set out in this service description apply.

Adtriba Solution Models

We basically distinguish between the models "Adtriba Core" and the model "Adtriba Sphere". 

Adtriba Core offers deeper insights into user-level data as part of multi-touch attribution and enables the evaluation of individual touchpoints and their contribution to a conversion in customer journeys. Other features and technologies can optionally be used to include CRM data or offline data in the analyses, to connect platforms or to export data to own tools. In addition to multi-touch attribution, marketing mix modeling and unified marketing measurement technologies can also be used. 

Adtriba Sphere works exclusively with the Marketing Mix Modeling method, based on aggregated data and including any desired marketing channels. The algorithm calculates incremental interactions of marketing activities and spend at the channel level and makes recommendations based on this to enable optimized budget planning. 

The Adtriba solutions models are provided as software-as-a-service for holistic evaluation and optimization of processes in marketing and the customer journey, as well as for generating reports for cross-channel management. The features of the Adtriba solutions are listed in detail below:

Adtriba Core


The creation and daily update of campaign-based, dynamic and rule-based attribution models. Delivered via dashboards with daily updated customer journey reports and cross-channel online marketing performance reports. The reports are based on the developed dynamic attribution models and include comparison to last-click, first-click, linear, time-decay and U-shape attribution. We reserve the right to make adjustments to the calculation of the dynamic model if it is or becomes appropriate.

The following terms are relevant in connection with the MTA:

  • Userjourney Events: Comprehensive, click-based user journey tracking (tracking of all contacts of users to web-based online marketing campaigns of the customer) via the Adtriba tracking system or via the import of existing tracking data, e.g. from Google Analytics 360. If the Adtriba tracking system is used, the Adtriba client is responsible for the correct implementation of the Adtriba tracking codes on their own websites.
  • Conversion Events: A conversion event is used to calculate the attribution and is shown in the dashboard. The conversion events are listed in the offer or in the license agreement. The addition of further conversion events for a fee, beyond those listed in the offer or in the license agreement, is flexibly possible and can be requested at any time via The additional costs incurred for this result from our price model (non-binding pricing) and/or an individual offer based on this (concrete price).

Standard Data Exports

Provision of a daily updated customer journey export via a database interface (JDBC) including all touchpoints and values from dynamic attribution as well as various rule-based attribution models for successful customer journeys. The export is standardized and includes a defined number of metrics and dimensions (see Appendix I). 

Furthermore, a daily updated performance report export is offered. This contains the attributed conversions and sales per channel, source and campaign. 

Customization or extension of the standardized export is possible at the customer's request and is charged with a monthly maintenance fee. The additional costs incurred for this result from our price model (non-binding pricing) and an individual offer based on this (concrete price).

Google Ads and Facebook Export

Transmission of the attributed values to the media platforms Google Ads and Facebook Ads. Via this export, the values attributed by Adtriba can be used in the user interface of Google Ads and Facebook Ads for reporting and operational control of paid Google Search Ads and Facebook Ads.

TV Tracking

Evaluation of TV-induced website visits (direct response) via the calculation of an own TV tracking model. The results are provided both in a separate TV report and via the performance report in the Adtriba software user interface.

To enable meaningful use of TV tracking, you are required to deliver real-time media plans to us on a regular basis via the Adtriba software data template. The frequency of the TV performance calculation depends on the frequency of the media plans provided by you.

Unified Marketing Measurement (UMM)

The UMM feature includes the modeling of aggregated data, such as on offline channels, into dynamic attribution. The UMM models are usually updated on a weekly basis. The respective offline channels and their performance can be viewed in the performance dashboard as well as in the customer journey export.

Additional offline channels and target metrics can be added at any time. The additional costs incurred for this result from our price model (non-binding pricing) and/or an individual offer based on this (concrete price).

For the meaningful use of the UMM, you are obliged to provide the data required for modeling via the Adtriba data template. In the event that you are unable to provide this data in the form required by the Adtriba Software, we offer to prepare the data accordingly. The additional costs incurred for this result from our price model (non-binding pricing) and/or an individual offer based on this (concrete price).

Automated Cost & "Display & View" Integration

The Adtriba Software offers the possibility to automatically import media costs and impressions from social networks and other ad platforms into the Adtriba software and to evaluate them via Aggregated View Modeling. The import is carried out by the third-party provider The integration of the respective media platforms is carried out between and you. The payment for the cost import is based on your adspend. By making the costs available in the Adtriba Software User Interface, it is possible to calculate performance metrics such as ROAS and ROI in the Adtriba Software Performance Report as well as in the export. 

In this case, the use of is limited to the export to Adtriba Software as well as the use of the Dashboard in The use of other features can be negotiated individually and directly between and the customer. The additional costs incurred for this result from our price model (non-binding pricing) and/or an individual offer based on this (concrete price).

Aggregated View Modeling

By importing aggregated impressions from social networks such as Facebook or Instagram as well as other ad platforms, the Adtriba software models the impressions and includes them in the dynamic attribution and value assignment. In the process, the aggregated impressions are made available as another channel in dashboards. The import of aggregated impressions is only accepted via funnel integration.

Adtriba Sphere

Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM)

The MMM feature uses the same input data (aggregated data on e.g. offline channels) as the UMM, but models the effect on aggregated target metrics (e.g. total sales per day in offline retail).

Additional offline channels and target metrics can be added at any time. The additional costs for this result from our price model (non-binding pricing) and/or an individual offer based on this (concrete price).

For the meaningful use of the MMM, you are obliged to provide the data required for modeling via the Adtriba data template. In the event that you are unable to provide this data in the form required by the Adtriba software, we offer to prepare the data accordingly. The additional costs incurred for this result from our price model (non-binding pricing) and/or an individual offer based on this (concrete price).

Performance Reporting

The performance reporting in SPHERE enables an analysis of the performance at marketing source level via various visualizations. This report includes a visualization of marketing uninfluenced conversions compared to the proportion of marketing influenced conversions (incremental conversions) in a time series chart. For direct comparison of the marketing sources, a performance table is provided in SPHERE, which, in addition to spend and conversions, also provides other KPIs for performance reporting and budget planning, such as (CPA, Marginal CPA). The results for this report are updated daily (nightly). The required data is provided to the Adtriba software via the ad platforms and via the web analytics tool Google Analytics via the partner

Historic vs. Optimum Scenario

This report provides you with historical marketing performance in the form of an aggregated ROAS / conversions / spend overview against a modeled optimized scenario. The historical scenario is always based on the past 30 days and is updated every 24 hours on a rolling basis. In addition to the aggregated comparison of the historical and optimized scenario, you receive a detailed recommendation at marketing source level. 


In the media planner area, you can create individual media plans. In these media plans, you can flexibly allocate budget to marketing sources and select from various optimization targets. On this basis, a recommendation is finally provided for budget allocation and the expected result to be achieved. The number of media plans as well as the number of daily updates possible are defined in the offer or in the license agreement. 

The addition of the source 'TV' can be made at any time, taking into account the format guidelines via an import in 

In the event that you are unable to provide the data in the form required by Adtriba Software, we offer to prepare the data accordingly. The additional costs incurred for this result from our price model (non-binding pricing) and/or an individual offer based on this (concrete price).

Service Level Agreement

In connection with the services of Adtriba Software we guarantee an availability of 98.5% monthly average. 

Maintenance and maintenance times

In order to avoid impairments in the operation of the Adtriba Software, we will perform maintenance and upkeep services. Times of unavailability of the Adtriba Software due to announced maintenance work are not included in the calculation of the service level. Maintenance periods are up to 5 hours per month. Maintenance work will be performed outside of normal business hours whenever possible. Business hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays.


We continuously strive to provide you with the latest features of the Adtriba software. Therefore, we regularly install new versions of the existing software and add new features to the Adtriba software. Should the function of the Adtriba software change in the course of these updates, this does not represent a loss of service, provided that the functional scope of the service description continues to be complied with.

Support Guideline


We provide standard e-mail support via included in the agreed price in connection with the use of the Adtriba Software, which covers the following standard support requests:

  • Password reset
  • Basic functionality questions
  • Troubleshooting
  • Feature requests
  • Troubleshooting
  • Media plan uploads


For support with individual inquiries, we offer a Professional Service that can be commissioned individually. The Professional Service includes services such as: 

  • Workshops 
  • Project-based solution development
  • Application training (on-site / digital)
  • Reporting based on Adtriba raw data exports
  • Data engineering
  • Customized analyses and hypothesis testing.

Professional Service services are billed on a time and materials basis at individually negotiated hourly rates. Professional Services are contracted directly with the agencies.

Adtriba Partner Agencies

Feld M GmbH - Sandstrasse 33 - München


iCompetence GmbH - Weidenallee 10c - Hamburg


Qualified support request 

The qualified support request is an absolute prerequisite for the fast processing and the fast solution for your support request. Support requests must always be sent to A qualified support request contains a detailed description of the problem. The following questions must be answered: 

  • Is the support request a malfunction (incident) or another request category e.g. Request for Information or Change Request? The request must contain appropriate information and reasons.
  • How does the malfunction manifest itself? What is no longer working? The exact error messages are required. 
  • How is the problem traceable and reproducible? 
  • Where does the problem occur? Which features and systems are affected? 
  • Since when does the malfunction exist?
  • Additional information such as screenshots, etc.
  • Indication of priority (1=critical to 4=not urgent).

Priority Levels

Each support request is assigned to one of the following four priority levels or severity levels during ticket creation: 

Priority 1 - Critical. 

There is an urgent, operationally disruptive problem that is preventing the majority of users from doing their jobs. There is no way to work around the problem. An immediate solution is required. Faults with priority 1 must be reported by telephone in addition to the written form. If a required contact person is not available on the customer's side, we reserve the right to downgrade the priority. 

Priority 2 - urgent 

Important functions are not available and normal daily work is severely restricted. A quick solution to the operationally disruptive problem is required. 

Priority 3 - normal 

Individual less important functions are not available or important functions are only available by working around the problem. A solution is required, but not urgent. 

Priority 4 - not urgent 

Only a few users are slightly or sporadically restricted in their work. Normal work is only slightly affected. Or there is a simple request for a product or issue with low urgency. 

The classification into the priority levels is made by you, if necessary in consultation with us.

Service and Response Times

Standard Service Times

Our standard service hours are set to: Monday to Friday in each case during business hours from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (local time Hamburg/Germany). Saturdays and Sundays, as well as national holidays in Germany are excluded. Within these service hours, requests will be processed by our support staff. 

Standard Reaction Times

Response time begins when we receive your support request at We will respond to all qualified support requests received during the above service hours within 24 hours during the service hours. The time limit starts to run only if your cooperation is fulfilled, i.e. if the support ticket has a minimum information content - see section Qualified Support Request.

Adtriba Data Export Scheme

Standard Customer Journey Export

customer_journey (CLV/Non-CLV)

  • journey_id
  • conversion_id (Order/Transaction ID)
  • conversion_ts (Order/Transaction Timestamp)
  • basket_value
  • currency
  • click_ts (Touchpoint Click Timestamp)
  • step (Touchpoint Rank/Position)
  • channel
  • source
  • campaign
  • medium
  • location
  • attributed_credits (Adtriba data-driven attribution)
  • attributed_credits_ushaped
  • attributed_credits_firstcontact
  • attributed_credits_lastcontact
  • attributed_credits_linear
  • attributed_credits_timedecay
  • revenue_timedecay

If required and for a separate fee, we can also provide the UserID (Adtriba Identity Tracking), Geo and Device data in this scheme.

performance_report (CLV/Non-CLV)

  • report_date
  • channel
  • source
  • campaign
  • conversions (Adtriba data-driven attribution)
  • revenue (Adtriba data-driven attribution)
  • conversions_firstcontact / revenue_firstcontact
  • conversions_lastcontact / revenue_lastcontact
  • conversions_ushaped / revenue_ushaped
  • conversions_linear / revenue_linear
  • conversions_timedecay / revenue timedecay