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Adtribas' Attribution Alphabet

Marketing attribution in a nutshell: Get to know the most important terms from A to Z, understand their meanings, interrelationships and learn how to evaluate marketing holistically, optimize budget allocation and increase revenue —with the help of AI.

A is for Algorithmic Attribution

Algorithmic attribution takes advantage of advanced statistical models and machine learning to determine custom models which are trained on existing customer journeys. By comparing the paths of users who have performed a conversion with those of others, the model is able to allocate credits to touchpoints of a customer journey, thus, determining their success. Because the machine learning process uses existing data for attribution, it is also called data-driven attribution. More

B is for Bidding-Strategy

Using Adtriba conversions for bid optimization in Google Adwords leads to a more cross-channel orientated and holistic bidding strategy. Per default, Adwords credits itself with too many conversions here, because it doesn't “want to” know about the customer interactions within other marketing channels. Therefore we offer our clients an automated export to Google Ads. More

C is for Customer Lifetime Value Attribution

The so-called Customer Lifetime Value is a metric that describes how much value in terms of turnover or profits a customer will generate for a company in the course of his “customer life”. Where Multi-Touch-Attribution takes into account all touchpoints within one successful customer journey, the CLV attribution includes all conversions that a user completes within a specific defined lookback window. This gives marketers the chance to identify high-value customers that are very worthy to steer marketing on in the long term. More 

D is for Data-Driven attribution

As described in the definition of algorithmic attribution, the data-driven attribution uses existing data to analyse and evaluate customer journeys. The success of this attribution model therefore largely depends on the quality of the data provided. As the saying goes: Garbage in, garbage out. More

E is for Exactness

Compared to rule-based attribution models the dynamic attribution is much more exact when it comes to evaluating channels and activities. The data-driven attribution analyses the impact of all touchpoints within a customer journey and attributes the credits respectively when for e.g. a last-click attribution will always contribute 100% of the credits to the last touchpoint of a customer journey. Taking into account all the touchpoints which led to a conversion along the journey gives marketers a holistic and thus much more exact view of their marketing activities and enables them to allocate their budgets more efficiently.  More

F is for Funnel 

The term funnel has been in common use in marketing for some time now. With regards to visual language: It is used in online marketing to lead the customer step by step to the turnover conversion. From top funnel stages when someone learns about your business (for. eg. TV, branding), to lower funnel stages (for e.g. Google Keyword Ads), the marketing funnel map routes to conversion and beyond. is also the name of a swedish data platform .The tool collects data from over 500+ data platforms and automatically processes it into business ready data, which companies can then feed into any tool they like.  Adtriba has formered a unique and useful partnership with in 2019. Thus enabling all clients to automatically integrate their cost and other aggregated data in Adtribas’ marketing measurement system to have all relevant marketing intelligence data in one place. More

G is for Google Ads Export 

Through a standardised and fully automated export to Google Ads, you can use Adtriba conversions in Google Ads or Google Search Ads 360 for reporting or for smart bidding. This feature gives you the chance to use Adtriba Conversions in media control tools without having to log in to another tool. More

H is for Holistic

It is our goal to provide our clients with the most holistic view of all their marketing activities within the marketing mix. Besides evaluating online activities through our Multi-Touch- or Customer Lifetime Value Attribution, our UMM feature includes the entire marketing mix: both, online and offline activities as well as other factors, such as seasonality or product diversity, thus enabling to holistically measure their effects and correlations. More

I is for Integration

Integrating a mass of data to consolidate and extract clear, actionable insights can be a big challenge. With automated processes, maximum support, a lean dashboard and the possibility to pull all data into your own BI, Adtriba guarantees a simple and quick integration process that will leave you with more time to actually use our results and plan respectively to your advantage. More

J is for Journey

A journey in terms of online marketing is basically a chronological sequence of marketing touchpoints. A user has visited your page in a certain time range (lookback window)  and may or may not convert on a special event you defined as success. At Adtriba we differ between successful (customer) journeys and unsuccessful (user) journeys, but are able to measure the effects of both journeys within either our Multi-Touch- or Customer-Lifetime-Value-Attribution.  More

K is for KPI

KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator, which is a metric used to determine the performance of your activities. Adtribas‘ Reporting provides clients with a KPI widget that shows KPIS such as ROAS or CPA per campaign, source or channel and also enables to see changes within periods. Thus giving maximum insights on performance. More

L is for Linear Attribution

This model takes into consideration every single touchpoint throughout the customer journey. However, based on a rule they are evenly credited – the respective impact of each touchpoint is not assessed. For an exact measurement a data-driven attribution approach is recommended. More

M is for Marketing Mix Modeling

Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) is a statistical method that works with aggregated data and is thus a privacy friendly and future proof technique. MMM measures the efficiency for all acitivites, incl. offline,  social and external factors like weather or saisonality. It helps marketers to understand correlations across the board and optimize strategical planning. More

N is for Non-Marketing

If your company depends on non-marketing effect that are relevant for your marketing planning, (for e.g. saisonalities or product launches) we recommend our Unified Marketing Measurement feature that includes all these factors in the modeling. More

O is for Omnichannel Attribution 

Omnichannel attribution is a multi-channel sales approach focusing on a customers’ shopping experience across all channels. If you have an active customer loyalty program, our Omnichannel attribution is able to calculate the effect of online touchpoints to your offline sales. Thus, provided in-store conversions will be matched to a specific user and his digital customer journey to give you the possibility to steer your online campaigns towards your offline sales. 

P is for Performance Marketing

Performance Marketing explains a marketing strategy that allows the measurement of success of the  activities and, if necessary, optimization of the respective campaigns. Measurability and optimization are therefore the basic components of performance marketing. Performance marketing evolved through online marketing, because compared to conventional campaigns in print etc. the reactions of the customers are easier to measure.  At Adtriba, though, we offer the measurement of not only digital marketing activities with our MTA Attribution solution but also offline campaigns and the combination of both within our UMM feature. More

R is for ROAS

ROAS stands for “Return On Ad Spend” and is one of the most important KPIs in marketing. It describes how much your business earns in revenue for every dollar / euro spent on marketing or advertising. Adtribas‘ Performance Report includes KPIs such as  ROAS and many respective filter and comparison functions. More

S is for Social View Modeling

The large media platforms like for e.g. facebook make it increasingly difficult for advertisers to access user-based data. However, the evaluation of advertising impressions is an important part of the attribution. Using a model that measures the effect of social ads on the organic channels (Paid Search, Direct, SEO), Adtriba has developed a way of including advertising impressions from social platforms in the digital attribution even without user-level-data. More

T is for TV-Attribution

The challenge with traditional TV advertising is that there is no deterministic method to match a user who has seen a TV spot to his interactions on the advertiser’s website. However, with statistical methods it’s possible to establish a correlation between TV commercials and increases in the number of hits on the website via organic marketing channels. This is possible through a dynamic baseline calculation and a peak identification where Adtribas’ TV algorithm calculates a statistical TV- uplift via the comparison between baseline and actual user count. The algorithm also enables a distinguished view for spot overlay. The TV touchpoints can then be included in the respective customer journeys and  used in the calculation of the MTA conversion weights. More

U is for Unified Marketing Measurement

Unified Marketing Measurement (UMM)  is an extension of the dynamic multi-touch attribution and models channel performance on highly aggregated data. Therefore it combines the tactical world of digital attribution with the strategic world of marketing mix modelling. Thus, it enables the holistic evaluation of advertising performance across all channels and activities in one attribution model and makes it possible to quantify the effect of offline advertising campaigns on earned traffic  through paid search, direct, SEO. More

V is for View Tracking

Adtriba offers the possibility to track views of display ads or email openings.

The view tracking is available by integrating an impression snippet for a specific publisher or campaign directly in the ad or email you want to track impressions from. The views will be modelled as a regular touchpoint in the customer journey. More

W is for W-shaped Attribution

And here is another one in the mass of rule-based attribution models: The W-shaped attribution assigns more credit to the first and last touchpoints before conversion, but also assigns heavier value to the mid-funnel touchpoint where a consumer can be actively considered a lead. The value is then assigned across the remaining touchpoints evenly.  And yet again: For a more exact measurement a data-driven attribution approach is recommended. More

X is for “Xternal” Cross Device Tracking

Cross-Device Tracking means being able to track a user’s digital marketing contacts on different devices and merge them into one user journey. At Adtriba we track deterministic cross-device data by offering our clients user-id-tracking for example at log in, sign up, check out, newsletter sign up or email-click. The user journeys across devices are then merged together and processed by our machine learning based attribution modelling algorithms. In order to optimize the recognition of users across different devices, Adtriba offers the possibility to integrate data from the external provider Tapad, a global, digital cross-device solution, that combines a strong network of data providers with the power of sophisticated machine learning models. More

Y is for Yield 

We all know that in the end, it is the results that count. With Adtriba, they are impressive. Our Case Studies show how we for e.g. helped clients such as Flixbus, Direct Health or Die Zeit, to reduce CPOs, increase sales, uncover false evaluations and save marketing budget. More

Z is for Zero Waste Marketing

Finally, we can’t promise that with our solution you will not waste a single euro or dollar on unsuccessful marketing activities and campaigns anymore. But: You will come pretty close to it. 


And as you might've noticed: The "Q" is missing. 

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